Beryllium Copper Alloy

The mixture of any fl ammable substance, for example, in the form of gas, steam, fog or dust, with the air, which after an ignition, experiences a combustion propagated to the entire unburned mixture, causes what is called “explosive atmosphere “.

Explosive atmospheres are regulated by Directive 1999/92 / EC which establishes that a regular tool is a source of ignition, so that such tools cannot be used in ATEX Zones.

This is also established by the UNE-EN 1127-2: 2014 standard, which specifi es that steel tools can never be used in Zones 0, 20 or 1, 21, 2, 22 if the atmosphere is of a gas of the IIC group, nor in Zones 1, 21, 2, 22 in atmospheres of other groups, if their normal use generates sparks (hammers, fi les, saws, etc.). Therefore, a NonSparking tool should be used.

The Non-Sparking tool is made of an alloy whose sparks will never have enough energy to generate the explosion of an explosive atmosphere, and therefore, it is completely safe.

The Directive establishes the risk areas in which explosive atmospheres can be formed in amounts that require theadoption of special precautions to protect the safety and health of the affected workers.


Dogher Inox

The DOGHER TOOLS stainless steel tools are made of AISI 420.

It is a martensitic, temperable an ferromagnetic stainless steel with resistance to corrosion, its tempering process provides the necessary hardness to face the dayto-day work.

Its high chromium content causes it to have excellent corrosion resistance.

When it comes into contact with the environment, it naturally generates a protective layer of chromium oxide that protects the surface and regenerates each time the tool is damaged.

Another of the great advantages of Stainless Steel, if we compare it with other metals, is its high resistance to extreme temperatures without suffering deterioration or alterations.

Moreover, it is the metal that better resists the fire without releasing toxic fumes. On the other hand it
can also be applied in winter temperatures without risk of embrittlement or breakage

DOGHER TOOLS stainless steel tools have excellent ductility, elasticity and hardness that make it ideal for any type of project.

Similarly, they have excellent wear resistance


Dogher Titanium Tools

The DOGHER Titanium Tools have been designed to work in special Industries and Applications.
They stand out for having reduced wear, high hardness and being highly resistant to corrosion.

This makes them suitable tools for use in sectors such as: Aeronautics (airplanes, helicopters, spacecraft), Military (armor, warships, missiles), etc.

The tools TITANIUM by DOGHER TOOLS are made of Titanium alloy 6A1-4V offering antimagnetic,
hypogenic and high resilience properties that favor its use in high sensitivity devices, hospital
equipment (scanners, X-rays, MRI, ECG, desfi librator devices), laboratories …

  1. These are the most oustanding feature: 100% Antimagnetic: It is not magnetized due to the electronic structure of Titanium.
  2. Highly Stainless: More than stainless itself. High resistance to corrosion by seawater, royal water and chlorine.
  3. Acid Resistant.
  4. Hypoallergenic: Does not contain Nickel (Ni). One of the elements that causes more allergies.
  5. As hard as steel but 45% lighter.
  6. High Tenacity and high tensile strength
  7. Great Resilience: It is capable of recovering the initial state after stress strain